Labels:text | newspaper | coffee cup | tea | cup | mug | book | drink | publication | coffee OCR: Jazz survive Psday May 27, 1999 Five to sta top of Portland Tre Sisters forward Brian Grant during the first quarter of the NBA playoff game on Tuesday in Salt Lake City - SPORT 8 CAPITA FIDEL AFL PF SATISFIED" ame plan for the ly they'd listen ROT'S CHIPS FALL? K does some Electoral as CANDAL WIDENS g problems may go auto service centers PROFITS MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2000 ires for the second quarter ALL FIGURES FROM SATURDAYIS CLOSE winners and losers TAIEX WINNERS 6185.14 - 247.22 wer plant pu ter companies slug it out TURNOVER: NT$61.147 billion re cleaning up URERS 6282 INDEX MOVEMENT Tang on the sp 6242 6202 ics minist 46 DID DEC MOVE TOO LATE? 616> The Ministry of Economic Affairs billion FOUNDER OLSEN HAS FINALLY TURNOVER NTSbillion NUCLEAR ENE has washed its h i by recommending that the EPPED ASIDE, BUT MANY WOI 36 th ACEMENT WILL BE ABLE AVERT DISASTER project, already o ird completed, should be halted 18 ·d "The society will pay a high weekly, exce nd-class REUTERS, TAIPEI price in the short term [if the pr Cl 0 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 After just four months in ect is cancelled], but in the Taiwan Premier Tang Foi run it will be better for Ta TAISDAQ faces a dilemma on whe sociologist and pollster scrap or press ahead with tid in an interview yes 5.54 troversial multi-billion dolla. a question of righ 25 billion clear power plant - a seemis said. "It's a que no-win situation in either case. and politi The economics ministry re van stoc mended on Saturday againse day ig construction of the project in line with stand of Presi- of in ne ressive bra